

「流行音樂之王」麥可傑克森驟逝  全球同表哀悼


身兼索尼集團全球主席、執行長與總裁的Howard Stringer爵士表示「麥可傑克森是當代最傑出的天才歌手,他的音樂反映了這個時代的熱情與創意。他的藝術天份與無與倫比的魅力,對流行樂壇產生了承先啟後、無與倫比的影響。對於他作品的原創性、前瞻性,以及所帶給我們的驚喜都讓我們深深地感動。整個索尼大家庭對於麥可的家人,以及全球數以億計熱愛麥可的樂迷們,表達最深的追悼之意。」

索尼音樂執行長Rolf Schmidt-Holtz則表示「麥可傑克森無人可比的卓越才華和他最受鍾愛的音樂為全球各地帶來了歡樂與喜悅。我們今日與他數以億計的歌迷們依同表達我們最深的哀傷,也對於麥可的家人和摯愛的親友表達最深的哀悼。索尼音樂這個大家庭,有幸和這一位流行音樂史上最才華洋溢的超級巨星一起共事,感到無比的榮幸。我們將無比地懷念他。」

索尼音樂版權主席與執行長Martin Bandier也表示「麥可令人讚嘆的音樂才華,是史上罕見的。他不僅僅是一位讓人讚嘆的流行藝人、一位具有高瞻遠矚遠見的事業夥伴、一位無與倫比的表演者,更是一位不折不扣的偶像。對於索尼音樂版權來說,他也是一位最值得欽佩、最可靠與充滿熱情的夥伴。我們將深深地懷念他。同時也對他的子女和整個家庭表達我們最深的悼念之意。」

麥可傑克森所有的專輯都在索尼音樂旗下品牌Epic發行,5張個人專輯《牆外Off The Wall》《顫慄Thriller》《飆Bad》《危險之旅Dangerous》和《他的歷史HIStory》都是史上最暢銷的專輯之一。在他傑出的事業發展上,全球專輯銷售高達7億5千萬張、擁有13首冠軍單曲、更是罕見2次榮登搖滾名人堂的藝人。金氏世界紀錄認證麥可傑克森為「娛樂界史上最成功藝人」,同時他的《顫慄Thriller》專輯為「史上最暢銷專輯」。他擁有13座葛萊美獎,也是全美音樂獎「世紀藝人」大獎得主。

麥可傑克森的演藝生涯起始於他11歲的時候,和自己的兄弟們組成「傑克森5人組Jackson 5」。在1980年代早期開始,他的單曲音樂錄影帶,包括了《Billie Jean》《Beat It》和傳奇的《顫慄Thriller》等寫下了流行史上全新的影音時代。他的獨特嗓音、個人風格和獨特的舞步,無遠弗屆地影響了後來的流行樂、靈魂樂、節奏藍調與嘻哈等不同領域的音樂人。

Sony Comments on the Passing of Michael Jackson

NEW YORK, NY – June 25, 2009 – Michael Jackson, one of the most widely beloved entertainers and profoundly influential artists of all-time, leaves an indelible imprint on popular music and culture.

Commenting on his passing, Sir Howard Stringer, Chairman, CEO and President, Sony Corporation, said: “Michael Jackson was a brilliant troubadour for his generation, a genius whose music reflected the passion and creativity of an era. His artistry and magnetism changed the music landscape forever. We have been profoundly affected by his originality, creativity and amazing body of work. The entire Sony family extends our deepest condolences to his family and to the millions of fans around the world who loved him.”

Rolf Schmidt-Holtz, CEO, Sony Music Entertainment, said: “Michael Jackson's unsurpassed artistry and beloved music brought joy to every corner of the world. We join today with his millions of fans in expressing our profound sadness and we offer our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. It was a true privilege for all of us in the Sony Music family to work with one of the most talented superstars in the history of music. We will miss him greatly.” 

Martin Bandier, Chairman & CEO of Sony/ATV Music Publishing, said: “Michael was the kind of amazing talent that comes along once in a lifetime. He was an incredible recording artist, an insightful businessman, an unmatched performer, and a true icon. To all of us at Sony/ATV Music Publishing, he was also a trusted and passionate partner, who was very proud of our accomplishments. He will be dearly missed.  We wish his children and entire family our deepest condolences.”

Five of Jackson’s solo albums – “Off the Wall,” “Thriller,” “Bad,” “Dangerous” and “HIStory,” all with Epic Records, a Sony Music label – are among the top-sellers of all time. During his extraordinary career, he sold an estimated 750 million records worldwide, released 13 No.1 singles and became one of a handful of artists to be inducted twice into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  The Guinness Book of World Records recognized Jackson as the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time and “Thriller” as the Biggest Selling Album of All Time.  Jackson won 13 Grammy Awards and received the American Music Award’s Artist of the Century Award.

Michael Jackson started in the music business at the age of 11 with his brothers as a member of the Jackson 5. In the early 1980s, he defined the art form of music video with such ground-breaking videos as “Billie Jean,” “Beat It” and the epic “Thriller.” Jackson’s sound, style and dance moves inspired subsequent generations of pop, soul, R&B and hip-hop artists.

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